Sunday, September 11, 2016

Political book titles and slogans based on Hillary Clinton's 'Basket of Deplorables' for 2016

Ideas for books and movies based on the Deplorables
By Covello Patti Pietschmann

"The Deplorables"  a look at a group of phobic people through the eyes of a presidential candidate.

"Hillaryphobic' in the US" a look a group of people who fear a presidential candidate

"Deplorable Union"  a novel about a group of people who united to fight a presidential candidate

"Stand up to the Deplorables"  a slogan for 2016

"Deplorable Me" a tale about a person who voted for Donald Trump in the 2016 election

"Doing Deplorables" a novel of incestuous people who have sex with each other

"The Deplorable Generation" a story of an elite group of people who favor a Republican candidate over a Democrat

"Deplorable, Deplorable Me," an homage to Warren Zevon

"Deplorable Unionization"  about a group of people who labor to elect Donald Trump

"Hail the Beleagured Deplorables" a tribute to a much maligned group

"The Deplorables" a group of patriotic Americans who fight bigotry

And in honor of the Donald doing his taxes:
 "Trump Change"

"What's in your basket?"

"A tisket a taskit and basket full of deplorables"

"Who you calling Deplorable"
"Dems Deplorable Words"

"It's Delightful, it's Deloverly, it's Deplorable" an homage to Cole Porter

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