Patti Pietschmann's Reviews > Biohack
Biohack (The Gender Wars Series, #1)

I've been reading pretty much the same genre and authors for you, voraciously I might add. And then Biohack came along and I was intrigued so I downloaded in from Amazon and was glad I did.
The story is about a second chance and Valerie Ramirez, a special ed teacher haunted by her toddler’s drowning accident who faces a fateful decision when she’s admitted into a secretive program run by a biotech company. Kaden Baker, an elite hacker who dabbles in covert ops, finds her life turned upside down when she discovers her parents were imposters. Where does she come from? Who’s been financing her high-stakes secret missions?
The answers lead back to the same mysterious biotech firm. As Kaden and Valerie become allies, they make one startling discovery after another about the company’s dark intentions. But each step closer to the truth puts their lives at greater risk.
The stakes couldn’t be higher—for Kaden’s freedom, for Valerie’s fate, and for the future direction of humanity itself.
It is long and you really need to like delving into biotechnology. Well written. I checked out the author and he's written a few other thrillers.
J.D. Lasica (Goodreads Author)

I've been reading pretty much the same genre and authors for you, voraciously I might add. And then Biohack came along and I was intrigued so I downloaded in from Amazon and was glad I did.
The story is about a second chance and Valerie Ramirez, a special ed teacher haunted by her toddler’s drowning accident who faces a fateful decision when she’s admitted into a secretive program run by a biotech company. Kaden Baker, an elite hacker who dabbles in covert ops, finds her life turned upside down when she discovers her parents were imposters. Where does she come from? Who’s been financing her high-stakes secret missions?
The answers lead back to the same mysterious biotech firm. As Kaden and Valerie become allies, they make one startling discovery after another about the company’s dark intentions. But each step closer to the truth puts their lives at greater risk.
The stakes couldn’t be higher—for Kaden’s freedom, for Valerie’s fate, and for the future direction of humanity itself.
It is long and you really need to like delving into biotechnology. Well written. I checked out the author and he's written a few other thrillers.