The book and movie by Jerzy Kosinski
Patti PietschmannI read this epic, satirical, somewhat sad and very prescient, novel when it first came out and loved it. I was a huge Jerzy Kosinski fan to start. Last night we watched the movie that was made in 1979 with Peter Sellers as Chance and it was as good as the book but with a more unique ending. Chance is a simple man who relates everything to gardening and TV. Well dressed and bred but dimly lit, he is evicted from the home of a well heeled man who dies and must fend for himself, which is does by chance. People, very smart and successful ones, even a president, misunderstand him and conclude that he must be on to something. You must read it or get the movie (which was on TV recently). I am actually going to read the book again. When you do, think Donald Trump.
Originally published: 1970
Page count: 141
Genre: Fiction
Adaptations: Being There (1979)
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