Monday, December 12, 2016

Howard Hughes wants Oren in his movie Chapt, 32 World of Hurt

Another explosive chapter to enjoy

If you haven't been reading it, shame on you, but if you go to Chapter 32 you will be hooked, trust me.

"Hughes said, “How would you like to be in my movie, Oren?”

Oren hummed a skeptical note.

“Well, Howard, I don’t know about that. I’m no actor.”

“Acting is so easy even those imbecile pretty boys can do it. But you wouldn’t be acting. You’d be a sheriff’s captain.”

Hughes was fishing, so Oren fished back.

“What would I do?”

“Just a few scenes that won’t take any time, but you’d bring authenticity to the part. You could wear your own uniform and that hat Miss Russell seems to like so much.”

Now Oren got it. Hughes wanted him to keep an eye on the actress and report back to him. He didn’t mind Hughes being in his debt, but he sure didn’t want to be his errand boy."
 Read it here . Be sure to bookmark it.

Monday, December 5, 2016

Potty-mouth ER doc getting closer to diagnosing half-dead naked man

In explosive, exciting Chapter 30 of World of Hurt

World of Hurt
A Novel of Las Vegas

Richard J Pietschmann

Chapter 30

Randy hung in the back of the ER cubicle trying to stay out of the way as the pit bull emergency doctor hurried over to a phone and yelled into it.

“Page Martone to get his skinny ass to ER twelve fast as those spindly legs can move.”

She slammed the phone back down and resumed examining the nearly dead guy inch by inch. The monitors made alarmed noises.

Randy said, “What’s wrong with him?”

She spoke to the nurse without looking at him.

“Epinephrine, stat.”

S. Weinberg, M.D., looked up at Randy. He knew what was coming.

“Let’s see. His vitals are crap, he’s unconscious, his heart is barely ticking, and his organs are probably shutting down. What’s wrong with him is he’s fucking dying.”

He was beginning to understand that she used hostility, vulgarity and sarcasm as a kind of armor to keep people at a distance. It seemed to work well for her.

He asked another question he knew would get a reaction.

“Why is he blue?”

He wasn’t disappointed.

“Unless he escaped from that Blue Man show, I don’t have a fucking clue.”

Are you hooked yet? If so go to

Friday, December 2, 2016

Excitement in the ER with Randy and foul-mouthed Trauma Unit MD

World of Hurt
A Novel of Las Vegas
Richard J Pietschmann
Chapter 29
Randy and the foul-mouthed but honey-voiced trauma surgeon stood in the crowded corridor and glared at each other. They paid no attention to the personnel and gurneys streaming around them like a fast-flowing creek parting around a boulder. Neither did the almost hairless, blue-tinged guy slumped in the wheelchair between them.
“He needs help, now,” Randy said.
“Go fuck yourself,” she said.